From Hustle to Customer: Tom Green's Journey with Verticode

26 September 2024

The zero to one journey from hustling on co-founder matching platform to 600k ARR

Today, we’re diving into the incredible journey of Tom Green, the co-founder of Verticode, a company that has rapidly grown to a $600K annual revenue by helping founders build their Minimum Viable Products (MVPs) quickly and affordably. Founded in the UK in late 2022, Verticode’s impressive growth is a testament to resilience and strategic innovation in the startup world.

You may watch this podcast on Youtube, listen on Spotify, or read on for the full content.

The Birth of Verticode: A Personal Journey

Tom Green's path to Verticode is both inspiring and illustrative of the challenges non-technical founders face. Before founding Verticode, Tom was deeply entrenched in the corporate world as a product strategist at American Express. However, the allure of startups drew him in, leading him to launch an ad tech company that, unfortunately, failed quickly.

Refusing to be deterred, Tom continued his journey in the US, learning the fundamentals of startups and launching another venture that achieved $5,000 MRR. Despite these early successes, co-founder disputes led Tom back to the UK with a clear understanding of the hurdles non-technical founders encounter. These experiences laid the groundwork for Verticode, a solution designed to offer quick, affordable MVP development for aspiring entrepreneurs.

Landing the First Customer: Hustling on Co-founder Matching Platforms

Finding the first customer is often the most daunting task for a new startup, but Tom embraced the challenge head-on. Recognizing the potential of co-founder matching platforms, Tom strategically positioned Verticode to attract non-technical founders who were eager to launch their products but lacked the technical expertise.

While not designed for sales, these platforms were goldmines for Verticode’s target audience. Tom and his co-founder were transparent about their offerings, ensuring potential customers knew exactly what they were getting. This approach paid off, especially for their first customer, who had been struggling with their project for nearly a decade. Verticode’s promise of a quick, affordable MVP was a game-changer, marking a significant breakthrough for both the client and Verticode.

Tom was later banned from the platform, but not before he made off with 5 customers and a solid portfolio that was used to land more customers later.

Trust Through Delivery: Building Credibility

Early on, Verticode adopted a bold strategy: no payments until after the product was delivered. This approach de-risked the decision for clients and built immediate trust. Despite the inherent risks to Verticode, this strategy worked. “None of our clients walked away without paying,” Tom recalls. This commitment to quality and transparency was fundamental in establishing Verticode’s credibility.

Scaling Customer Acquisition: From Hustle to Strategy

With initial traction secured, Verticode reinvested its revenue into scalable marketing channels, starting with Google Ads. Though both Tom and his co-founder were novices in digital marketing, they quickly adapted, even bringing on a freelance consultant to maintain and optimize their campaigns after initial success with their experiment with Google Ads. This move marked a significant shift from scrappy, hustle-driven customer acquisition to a more measured, scalable approach.

They didn’t stop there. Verticode started building partnerships with accelerator programs, tapping into a steady flow of potential clients. Experiments with Meta ads followed, initially showing promise but eventually proving less effective than hoped. Despite the varied success, these efforts were crucial in shaping Verticode’s customer acquisition strategy.

Future Focus: Building the Verticode Brand

As Verticode continues to grow, Tom and his team are now focusing on brand building. The goal? To make Verticode the go-to solution when someone in the startup community needs an MVP. This involves participating in industry events, securing features in startup publications, and sponsoring newsletters. By creating a robust, brand-driven inbound acquisition model, Verticode aims to complement its existing strategies and solidify its position in the market.

What’s Next for Verticode?

Exciting times lie ahead for Verticode. With a solid base and a growing brand presence, the company is poised to continue its impressive trajectory. “We want people to think of Verticode immediately when they think of MVP,” Tom says, highlighting their ambitious vision.

As a piece of parting advice, Tom emphasizes the importance of listening to customer feedback and iterating quickly. This approach—coupled with a relentless focus on transparency and trust—has been pivotal in Verticode’s journey.

Final Thoughts

Tom Green’s story is a testament to the power of hustle, strategic thinking, and relentless pursuit of solutions. For those looking to follow Verticode’s journey or reach out, visit Their website offers numerous resources, blogs, and ways to get in touch with their team.

Thank you for joining us on this deep dive into Verticode’s journey. Until next time, keep hustling and turning those dreams into reality!

Stay tuned for more inspiring stories on the Zero to One podcast blog.

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