XM Cloud vs Strapi
Compare XM Cloud and Strapi for your content needs. Find out what actual users are saying about each product and which one is best suited for you!

What Users Say
See what users who have used XM Cloud and Strapi have to say about their overall experience with the product.
XM Cloud's Key Strengths
Read what users love about XM Cloud.
Strapi's Key Strengths
Read what users love about Strapi.
XM Cloud's Key Issues
Read what issues users have with XM Cloud.
Strapi's Key Issues
Read what issues users have with Strapi.
What Marketers & Content Creators Say
Hear from the users who uses XM Cloud and Strapi daily about their experience with the editors.
XM Cloud's Editorial Experience Highlights
What marketers love about XM Cloud's editor.
Strapi's Editorial Experience Highlights
What marketers love about Strapi's editor.
XM Cloud's Editorial Experience Issues
What marketers dislike about XM Cloud's editor.
Strapi's Editorial Experience Issues
What marketers dislike about Strapi's editor.
Mobile Editing
Find out how the platforms handle the mobile-first experience for the new generation of workforce on the move.
Sitecore XM Cloud allows mobile-first editing with low-code tools, but some features may require desktop for full functionality.
Strapi has plans for mobile features but currently lacks a full mobile-first content editor experience.
"For both marketers and developers, it could be very useful to have the ability to contribute content from their tablet and mobile."Source
"Strapi now supports Vercel Visual Editing, currently in Beta."Source
"I started using strapi... but I really hate the responses you get, deeply nested responses."Source
"the default editor for strapi supports it... it's just a small markdown editor."Source
Automatic Content Linking
Find out if the platform supports automatic linking of related content to help user discover more content without additional manual effort from the marketer. This automatically create topical clusters of content and is essential for SEO.
XM Cloud does not support automatic linking of related blog posts; linking must be done manually.
Strapi does not support automatic related blog linking; internal linking requires manual setup via relations.
Automatic CTA Linking
Find out if the platform supports automatic display of Call-to-Actions using AI to help users take actions that are relevant to the content they are reading.
Sitecore XM Cloud does not support automatic CTA linking directly for AI-driven context matching.
Find out if the platform supports comments from your users to improve user engagement. This is often a great way to collect feedback and user emails.
Sitecore XM Cloud does not have built-in commenting features for users to leave comments on content.
"You can add comments to projects, stages, or tasks when collaborating with other users."Source
"Sitecore XM Cloud focuses on site management, personalization, and performance, lacking user-facing commenting."Source
"In the ‘migrations’ I usually think about I’m often looking at an existing Sitecore customer trying to move to XM Cloud, but the fact is that there are a lot of options out there and Optimizely is pushing hard to pull those customers over to their SaaS CMS."Source
Strapi supports commenting through plugins, providing features like moderation and bad words filtering, but it's not built-in out of the box.
"A plugin for Strapi Headless CMS that provides end to end comments feature with their moderation panel, bad words filtering, abuse reporting and more."Source
"The plugin includes features like bad word filtering, abuse reporting and a moderation panel."Source
"Learn in this video how to create a comment system in your Strapi application."Source
"Strapi based comments moderation tool for managing user comments with features like automated filtering and abuse reporting."Source
Find out if the platform supports managing multiple clients or projects within a single account. This is useful for agencies, multi-client or multi-project scenarios.
XM Cloud operates as a single-tenant instance; however, the underlying delivery environment supports multi-tenancy.
"XM Cloud runs the Experience Manager environment as a single-tenant instance. The delivery environment..."Source
Strapi supports a pseudo multi-tenancy approach, allowing multiple instances with isolated resources but not full out-of-the-box multi-tenancy.
"In Strapi, a multitenant approach refers to the ability of the system to serve multiple tenants or customers, each with its own isolated and independent set of resources."Source
"I am using single code base and able to run 10+ sites. This makes easier to manage and roll out the new feature easily."Source
"The multi-tenancy (or multi-projects) changes the architecture of an application to allow multiple projects in a single Strapi application."Source
What Developers Say
Hear from developers who've integrated and built on XM Cloud and Strapi about their experiences.
XM Cloud's DX Highlights
What developers love about building with XM Cloud.
Strapi's DX Highlights
What developers love about building with Strapi.
XM Cloud's DX Issues
What developers dislike about building with XM Cloud.
Strapi's DX Issues
What developers dislike about building with Strapi.
Content Modelling
Find out how developers model and manage their content with the platform with key highlights and limitations.
Sitecore XM Cloud fully supports content modeling with customizable data templates and flexible presentation components.
Strapi supports custom content modeling with various field types and dynamic structures.
"Create your REST or GraphQL API without coding in a couple of minutes using the Content-Type Builder."Source
"Strapi allows defining custom fields and components usable across multiple content-types."Source
"With Strapi, you can create flexible content structures that adapt to your needs."Source
"Implementing best practices ensures your content strategy is scalable and adaptable."Source
Custom React Components
Find out if the platform supports custom React components to go beyond the basic HTML components for content.
Sitecore XM Cloud supports custom React components through registration, allowing rich interactions ineditors.
"In XM Cloud, developers can bring their own code (BYOC) by referencing an external code base that includes components."Source
"At the time of writing, XM Cloud Components are new and do not have a full feature set. Because of this, only standard React/Next.js components should be used."Source
"You can build a component by providing Sitecore managed data to a third party API like Google Maps API."Source
No clear support for adding custom React components within Strapi's content editor.
Full Text Search
Find out if the platform supports full text search across multiple fields to help users find content quickly.
Sitecore XM Cloud supports full-text search allowing users to search content across multiple fields.
"Searches for a full-text phrase within a value. For example, searching for 'apple pie' returns items for which the value is 'We made apple pie'."Source
"Sitecore Search is a cutting-edge, AI-powered, headless content discovery platform, empowering users to craft tailored and predictive search encounters."Source
Starter Kits
Discover starter kits and templates to help you get started with the platform.
Sitecore XM Cloud has various starter kits including Next.js and Angular templates.
(Expand section to see a list of XM Cloud templates and starter kits.)
Strapi offers multiple starter kits and templates for different use cases.
(Expand section to see a list of Strapi templates and starter kits.)
Pricing & Plans
Compare the prices of XM Cloud and Strapi.